

Collaborative Pianist

Francesca loves collaborating with other instrumentalists and singers as chamber musician and accompanist. She has a piano duo with Mimoza Keka, where they have performed in London, Bristol, Skopje and Bitola in Macedonia. Francesca was a 2023 Leeds Young Artist, accompanying soprano Helena Moore where they performed for Susan Manoff, Julius Drake and Joan Rodgers. In April 2022 Francesca accompanied bass-baritone finalist Charles Cunliffe in the prestigious Kathleen Ferrier Awards held in the Wigmore Hall. Francesca greatly enjoys playing chamber music, In 2022 and 2023 she was a young musician of the Joie de Vivre Chamber music Festival, in Vienna where she performed alongside cellist Nelu Storojenco, flautist Nicole Henter and soprano, Albertina del Po.

As well as this, Francesca is open to new innovative ideas, collaborating amongst different specialties on diverse projects. She has worked with actors in Petworth Festival, as well as performing alongside Lucrezia Marzo’s rendition of Virginia Wolf’s The Waves in Bloomsbury Festival, Royal Academy of Music Piano Festival and as part of the Tempora/Contempora festival at ‘Museo Castromediano’ of Lecce, Italy. Francesca has also collaborated with Bio-engineer Giovanni Biglino on his exhibition ‘The Heart of the Matter’ combining art and medicine in a unique project where a patients subjective experience of his congenital illness is evoked and expressed in unique works of art. During Covid-19, she was part of the Pinoteca Brera musica online project, where some of the world’s most famous paintings exhibited in the museum were coupled with classical music in an insightful video representation.

Work with Francesca


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